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Cannabinoid & Effects

Cannabinoid & Effects
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There are over 120 cannabinoids discovered to date in the beloved Cannabis plant.  Here is a compilation:

THC aka Delta 9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid abundantly found in the Cannabis plant.  This is the most commonly known of the cannabinoids due to it’s ability to get you “high”.  There are many psychoactive compounds being discussed, discovered, and most accurately, rediscovered in the Cannabis plant today.  None will be as (in)famous as THC.

Delta 9 THC is made up of Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.  The placement of the double-bond and chain of carbon atoms is directly tied to it’s psychoactive ability.  More is being studied and released on its benefits and drawbacks. 

Classified as a Schedule 1 drug.

CBD  (Cannabidiol)
Another major cannabinoid and second in popularity, today.  CBD is found in all variations of the Cannabis plant; Hemp and Marijuana.  It is found in Hemp in high amounts.  CBD does not get you “high” although, it is technically psychoactive as it is well-known to provide anxiety relief. 

CBD-A (Cannabidiolic Acid)

Naturally occurring compound in the Cannabis plant.  This is the precursor compound in producing CBD.  Decarboxylating CBD-A (via heat, time, or sunlight) produces CBD.

CBG (Cannabigerol) 

Natural cannabinoid found in small quantities in the cannabis plant.  CBG is not psychoactive in the sense of producing a “high”.  It is thought to be the precursor to THC, CBD, and CBC.  Often called the “Mother of all cannabinoids”. 

More research is being done on it’s potential.

Delta 8 THC (delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol)

Derived from CBD extracted from hemp and is therefore considered legal in most states. 

Delta 9 THCV (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin)

Lightly psychoactive.  Nicknamed “THC light” or “skinny THC”.  Effects reported similar to coffee.  Mild psychoactivity.

THC -O (tetrahydrocannabinol-O acetate) 

Synthetic/semi-synthetic (man-made) cannabinoid created by adding acetic anhydride to hemp-derived THC molecules.  Considered 3x as potent as decarboxylated THC A as it relates to psychoactivity.  Most users report an intense, but slightly different, high compared to THC.  THC-O’s safety and medical benefits are unknown due to minimal research on the substance.

THC-P (tetrahydrocannabiphorol)

Naturally occurring minor cannabinoid.  It’s believed to be 33 times as potent at decarboxylated THC A (THC).  Whoa! You’ll need to try it for yourself.